At Chorlton Tuition Centre all our tutors are fully qualified teachers- GUARANTEED!
We don’t employ graduates.
We don’t employ subject specialists – unless that have qualified teacher status, and have worked in a school in England or Wales.
Why do we ask for Fully Qualified Teacher status?
Experience of working with children in a school setting is absolutely essential.
Subject knowledge is just not enough.

We are working with children here- not just subjects.
To work in a school teachers must plan out lessons carefully, it’s not just a case of choosing a subject and explaining it.
One method might not suit all children. This takes time and training-and some thought from the tutor.
It’s all about being professional.
Being a teacher is a skill to be learned, not something that you can pick up by knowing a subject.
And not all subject specialists make the best teachers.
A good comparison would be football.
Some of the best managers (Alex Ferguson) were not great players.
Some of the best players are not always great managers.