If your child is doing well at school you could consider entering them for an 11+ test.
If you’re not sure about this then have a look at your child’s latest school report or better still make an appointment to speak to your child’s teacher about their progress. At this stage you don’t have to ask the teacher’s advice about the 11+, you just need to know how your child is progressing in school.
You could also buy some age appropriate Maths & English books for your child to check for yourself how they are getting on.
The next step would be to buy some 11+ style books, please check out which style of test your child might be taking- they do differ.
Stage 3 is of course to make a plan! Beware that the competition for school places can be intense. Planning out your child’s activities over a period of time does make the task easier & bare in mind that your child will not have covered all of the subject areas in school.
Lots of parents get caught out with the date of 11+ exams- they are usually in September of Year 6, fee paying schools sometimes have their Entrance Exams in January of Year 6. Ensure that your 11+ plan makes the most of the summer holidays and that will give your child a distinct advantage- because lots of the competition don’t!
For further information & advice you can contact me at Chorlton Tuition Centre 0161-860 6888.