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Reading with your child and see the progress

Sophia studying verbal reasoning

Reading with your child and see the progress

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A parent asked me last week how to move their child forward with vocabulary, comprehension & English skills.

My answer?

Read to your child. Read with your child. Have fun. Do this every day- it will make a MASSIVE difference.

I’ve read regularly with all 3 of my children. I KNOW the difference it has made. All three have a fantastic vocabulary & great general knowledge. Reading opens new doors, it opens up conversations.

You don’t have to be a teacher. You don’t have to be educated to do this.

You do have to make it a regular activity.

I’m reading the David Walliams’ books with my 8 year old. Every night before he goes to sleep & he loves it.

This., of course, isn’t anything new, it isn’t rocket science. I’m not telling you something you haven’t heard before.

It’s in your hands.



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